So the closest one to compare with Sabana would be Soilbuild, both being industrial reits, closest in market capitalization size and closest in rights issuance dates.
Soilbuild Reit's market cap = $662 million
Sabana Reit's market cap = $459 million
(Yahoo finance)
Soilbuild Reit's rights : September 2016
Sabana Reit's rights : December 2016
Rights-related cost , millions= $0.395
As a percentage of proceeds raised = 0.2/ 59.4 = 0.34%
As a percentage of proceeds raised = 4.2%
4.2% vs 0.34%..... more than 12 times more i missing something here? I am unable to find the breakdown of the rights-related cost.
Soilbuild Rights |
Sabana Rights |